In the Bible, we are told that when God abides in us, we are transformed and begin to portray many positive characteristics. From Galatians 5:22, we understand them to be the “Fruits of the Spirit”. Each student entering the school is assigned a “House”. The school is divided into eight houses, each named after one of the scriptural fruits of the Spirit: Prem, Satya, Shanti, Anand, Dhiraj, Kripa, Nishtha and Namrata. To encourage team-building and learning, inter-house activities are conducted in sports, dramatics, music, arts, science, mathematics and general knowledge.
It is from the best of all the inter-house activities that the school teams are selected. These students then represent the school in interschool activities.
Today, Mount Carmel has national level players in Athletics, Table Tennis, Basketball, Tae Kwon Do, Volleyball to name a few. Through our ‘Elijah Scholarship’ program, deserving sports persons receive full scholarships and paid personal coaches to help train and build them.
According to the Holy Bible in the book of 1Kings chapter 18, the Prophet Elijah was praying for rain on top of Mount Carmel. The Lord heard his prayers and brought a terrific rainstorm. The wonder happens now, as described in verse 46, ” Now the Lord gave special strength to Elijah. He tucked his cloak into his belt and ran ahead of Ahab’s chariot all the way to the entrance of Jezreel.” In recognition of this divine athletic ability, and knowing all good talent comes from the Lord, our creator, Mount Carmel introduced the Elijah Scholarships.
The school has a strong dramatics tradition. When Dr. (Mrs.) Williams founded the school, part of her vision envisaged the use of theatre in the personality development of the child. All students are encouraged to participate at class, house and school level in many dramatic opportunities. Over the years, Mount Carmel Theatre Club has received accolades for large productions such as “Joseph and his Multicoloured Dream Coat”, “A Midsummer’s Night Dream”, “Sleeping Beauty”, “Alice In Wonderland”, “Tom Sawyer”, “The Sound of Music”, “A Christmas Carol”, “To Kill a Mocking Bird” among others.
Students also get an opportunity to travel and explore the world. From visits to historical sites, treks and camping in national parks, touring great cities, students have been able to visit NASA and participate in student exchange programs with our sister schools in Singapore and Wales.