Pastoral Care

Pastoral Care
Mount Carmel is the only school group to have a full time Vice Principal for Pastoral Care in each school. This post was borne out of the need that alongside academic excellence and extracurricular or extra-scholastic achievements, a child’s emotional and spiritual well-being is very important. And this fits into our Luke 2:52 four-fold developmental program—the four-fold growth in wisdom, stature, favour with God and man.
The school invests in having trained professional counsellors, value education teachers and special educators for children with special needs like dyslexia, ADHD etc. The Pastoral Care team is involved in the running of the daily morning assembly, conducting different leadership programmes and Value Education Camps for the students and staff. Pastoral Care team members even attend to the needs of the parents, who are sometimes in denial when it comes to recognizing their wards who may have special needs.
Millions of children were cooped up in the closet in their homes, with parents hooked to their computers in long hours with companies WFH shifts, during the pandemic. These children’s eyes have seen things they should not have seen, their ears have heard things they should not have heard. The much-needed physical contact with friends was denied. The emotional toll has been high for them. Now more than ever, we appreciate the creation of the Pastoral Care vertical.